What's Next

If you're new to the community or new to Five Hills A/G, you may be wondering, "What's next?" When you first visit our church, you will be given a welcome packet. In that packet is a visitor card. If you will fill that out and return it to one of the ushers or drop it in the offering basket, it will help us know how we can minister to you. It will also give you the opportunity to submit a prayer request or let us know what you might be interested in.

If you're a new believer, what's next is to be connected to a local group of believers who will encourage and challenge you. It's important for you to develop a growing, deepening relationship with the Lord. The local church is here to help you make that happen. We need each other. We are one body, made up of different parts, each one supplying it's own vital piece. Together we're stronger. Together we grow.