I'm a new believer
So you're a new believer? Congratulations and welcome to the family. The Bible tells us that if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old life, with all of it's sin, is gone and now everything is made new.
If you haven't already been water baptized, we'd like to invite you to be baptized. We are not saved by baptism, but we are commanded, by Christ, to be follow His example of water baptism. It signifies dying to the old life and rising again, to new life in Jesus.
To develop the new relationship you have in Christ, let's focus on three essential elements: prayer, Bible study and fellowship.
Prayer is your direct line of communication to God. Just talking to Him and learning to listen will cause you to grow spiritually, by leaps and bounds.
The Bible is God's written Word and will give you the foundation you need and will build your new faith.
Fellowship with other believers helps to keep us centered, as we lift each other up, challenge each other and support each other. We're family.